Buy a Square Foot of CKVS

It’s renovation time and Voice of the Shuswap is looking forward to a big makeover!!!

Walls are being torn down and rebuilt to form our new studio B and reception areas, and we need to come up with some cash to pay for things. So, we’re relaunching our “Buy a Square Foot of the Station” campaign!

For only $50, you could ‘own’ a square foot of the station (we have over 800 feet to renovate). Once everything’s done, we’ll be thanking our donators for posterity!

You can donate in a number of ways

If you would like a tax receipt:

  • Make your cheque out to the First United Church – make a note that your donation is for our renovation fund
  • or visit and scroll down to our logo to find the donate button
  • You can also send an e-transfer to  Make sure to note in the message that the donation is for CKVS renovations.

If you DON’T need a tax receipt:

No matter which way you choose, please always make sure you let us know that your donation is to go to our renovation fund!