Notice of AGM

The Voice of the Shuswap Broadcast Society, operator of CKVS-FM 93.7 the Voice community radio, invites all VSBS members to attend the Annual General Meeting at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. The AGM will be held online using Zoom. If you would like to attend, please send an email to, with “AGM” in the subject line and we will send you a Zoom link and document package a few days before the meeting that will enable you to participate.
Because the AGM is being held online, which limits the opportunity for informal exchanges and discussion, we ask that any nominations for the Board be submitted in writing. The nomination must include signatures from a nominator and seconder who have been members in good standing since August 4, 2024 and be received by midnight February 4. There will be a slate of 3 incumbent candidates standing for re-election to fill the expiring terms. See following for information on the candidates.
We remind everyone that voting at the AGM requires membership in the VSBS for at least one month prior to the event. New memberships received January 19 and later will not qualify.
This will be our 13th year on the airwaves; our first AGM was March 3, 2011. We look forward to seeing you on February 19th.

Incumbent candidates:

SEVIGNY, Richard